Book Reservations & Earn Rewards for Loyalty

Reservation Genie is built on the principle of rewarding customer loyalty at participating restaurants. As a new customer you'll earn perks after completing your first reservation, and all customers earn a perk on every 5th reservation. You may also get a special offer if you haven't returned to a restaurant in a while, and once you reach VIP status you get a perk on every visit!

Examples of Loyalty Perks

What is VIP Status?

Reservation Genie creates a VIP list for every restaurant using a point system that gives you points for completing reservations. You get 100 points per reservation + 10 points per person in the reservation. These points expire after 90 days, but you can also get "forever points" by earning badges, as described below.

  • Booking Points: Receive 100 points per reservation + 10 points per person for every reservation booked. Points expire after 90 days.
  • Badge Points: Earn badges for actions that help us build the dining community. Badge points never expire and they get you rewards faster.

Badges Help You Rise to the Top of VIP Lists

You can earn badges for completing different tasks like booking frequently or at a variety of places. Badges deliver "forever points" that don't expire so you can accrue more points than other customers and rise to the top of VIP lists with less reservations. See some of the badges we offer below.


Frequency Badge

Earn the Frequency badge by booking and completing a specified number of reservations. The more you book, the more points you unlock.


Variety Badge

Book your reservations at a variety of different venues to receive the Variety badge. Help grow our community by exploring different options.


Tour Badge

The Tour badge gives you 100 forever points for booking one of our tour clients. Our goal is to connect different markets over time.


Bug Smasher Badge

It's tough building a reservation system. If you spot a bug, send us an email and we'll give you 50 points for helping us smash it!


Photo Badge

The Photo badge is the simplest way to earn 100 forever points. Just add a photo to your profile and showcase your personality.